1st Judicial District
801 Main St.
Rosedale, MS 38769
2nd Judicial District
200 S. Court St.
Cleveland, MS 38732
Clerk to the Board of Supervisors
•Keeps and preserves Board of Supervisor Board Meeting Minutes
•Assist Board of Supervisors in preparation of County budget
Homestead Applications
•Reviews Homestead applications for accuracy, completeness, and eligibility
•Prepares Homestead Assessment rolls
•Communicates with Homestead applicants upon disallowance by State Tax Commission
•Prepares Board Order relative to rejection/objection of homestead disallowances
County Treasurer and Auditor
•Responsible for receipt of all county funds
•Prepare warrants for accounts payables invoices upon approvalby Board of Supervisors
•Confirms accuracy of all accounts payable invoices
•Responsible for securing loans upon request by Board ofSupervisors
•Reports to Board of Supervisors on the financial strength ofCounty
•Responsible for investment of County funds
Collector of Delinquent Taxes
•Responsible for collection of all delinquent taxes for a two- yearperiod
•Responsible for notification of maturing delinquent taxes toproperty owners and lienors
•Responsible for distribution/settlement of all collections of delinquent taxes
County Recorder
•Records and preserves all Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Power ofAttorney, Uniform Commercial Codes, Federal Tax Liens, Military Discharges, Construction Liens, Lis Pendens, Bankruptcy Petitions, etc
Clerk of the Chancery Court
•Maintains all court documents related to Divorces, ChildCustody/Support, Equity regarding land issues, Probate ofEstates, Mental Health Cases, Alcohol/Drug Commitments,Guardianships, Conservatorships, and Adoptions
•The Clerk in office shall perform all duties set forth withoutadditional compensation or fee to wit:
•Child Support Petition $15.00
•Divorce to be contested $75.00
•Divorce uncontested $30.00
•Altercation of birth/marriage record $25.00
•Removal of minority $75.00
•Guardianship/Conservatorship $75.00
•Estate of deceased, intestate $75.00
•Adoptions $75.00
•Land dispute $75.00
•Injunction $75.00
•Settlement of small claims $30.00
•Contempt in child support $75.00
•Partition suit $75.00
•Any Cross-complaint $25.00
•Copies of above files $.50 per copy
•Issuance of Sheriff Summons $35.00 per summons
•Additional Defendants $1.00 each
•Certified Mail cost
•Publication cost assessed to responsible parties
Assessment Fees
•Law Library $2.50
•Court Administrator $2.00
•Judicial Training $2.50
•CLAF $5.00
•CECSF $10.00
•Jud. Pay $40.00
All Chancery court files are public records unless sealed by the Chancellor. Adoptions and Mental Health files are sealed files unless ordered by the Chancellor. Presently, Chancery Court files are not computerized or assessable via Internet.
First Judicial District
P.O. Box 238
Rosedale, MS 38769
Ph: (662)-759-3762
Fax: (662)-759-3467
Second Judicial District
P.O. Box 789
Cleveland, Ms 38732
Ph: (662)-843-2071
Fax: (662)-846-2940