1st Judicial District
801 Main St.
Rosedale, MS 38769
2nd Judicial District
200 S. Court St.
Cleveland, MS 38732
Youth/County Court Districts:
First Judicial District - Rosedale, Mississippi
Second Judicial District - Cleveland, Mississippi
The Youth Court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction in all proceedings concerning a delinquent child, a child in need of supervision, a neglected child, an abused and/or a dependent child.
Terms of Court:
First Judicial District - Third Wednesday and Thursday of every month
Second Judicial District - Second and Fourth Wednesday and Thursday of every month.
General Information:
The Youth Courts deal with matters involving abuse and neglect of juveniles, as well as offenses committed by juveniles. Young people who have not reached the age of 18 may be subject to the Youth Court, although there are some exceptions. Some offenses which would be treated as crimes if committed by adults are known as delinquent acts when they involve juveniles.
In the 20 counties which have a County Court, those judges also serve as Youth Court judges. In counties which do not have a County Court, the Chancery Judge may hear Youth Court matters, or the Chancery Judge may appoint a lawyer to act in a judicial capacity as Youth Court Referee.
P.O. Box 188
Cleveland, Ms 38732
Ph: 662-843-7175
Aelicia Thomas Staff:
Alidda Peoples, Administrator
PO Box 912
Cleveland, MS 38732
Ph: 662-846-7175
Cheryl Hawkins Supervisor
204 N. Pearman Avenue
Cleveland, MS 38732
Ph: 662-843-7175
Youth Court Intake Officer
Tracey Bradley
PO Box 912
Cleveland, MS 38732
Ph: 662-846-6394
Kathy Moore, Director
Main Street Rosedale, MS 38769
Ph: 662-759-3466
The County Court shall have jurisdiction concurrent with the
justice court in all matters, civil and criminal of which the justice court has jurisdiction; and it shall have jurisdiction concurrent with the circuit and chancery courts in all matters of law and equity wherein the amount of value of the thing in controversy shall not exceed, exclusive of costs and interest, the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars($200,000.00).
The County Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of eminent domain, the partition of personal property, and actions of unlawful entry and detainer
Terms of Court:
First Judicial District - Second Monday of April, August and December and continuing so long as may be necessary.
Presenting Cases:
Judge Hunter Nowell is available at any term to hear matters in her Court. Motion days are each Monday in Cleveland beginning at 2:00 p.m.
County Courts have exclusive jurisdiction over eminent domain proceedings and juvenile matters, among other things. In counties which have a County Court, a County Court judge also serves as the Youth Court judge. County Courts share jurisdiction with Circuit and Chancery Courts in some civil matters. The jurisdictional limit of County Courts is up to $200,000. County Courts may handle non-capital felony cases transferred from Circuit Court. County Court judges may issue search warrants, set bond and preside over preliminary hearings. County Courts have concurrent jurisdiction with Justice Courts in all matters, civil and criminal.
General Information:
Mississippi has 20 County Courts and 29 County Court judges. Counties which have a County Court include Adams, Bolivar, Coahoma, DeSoto, Forrest, Harrison, Hinds, Jackson, Jones, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lee, Leflore, Lowndes, Madison, Pike, Rankin, Warren, Washington and Yazoo. County Court judges serve four-year terms. Elections are non-partisan.

Youth Court Judge
Aelicia Thomas